Day: October 29, 2023

Water-Soluble CBD BenefitsWater-Soluble CBD Benefits

CBD can be consumed in a number of ways: orally, applied to the skin and inhaled. While each has its own set of benefits, choosing the right product is about finding what works best for you and your lifestyle.

What are the benefits of water soluble CBD?

Cbd water soluble benefits is formulated using a process called emulsion, which makes it hydrophilic, or water-friendly. This increases its bioavailability – the rate at which it’s absorbed by the body – significantly.

To make it water-soluble, CBD oil is broken down into microscopic droplets (or globules, as they’re sometimes referred to) that are 10-100 nanometers in size. These tiny droplets are easier for the body to absorb than larger, oil-based globules. They also disperse better in liquid than oil-based products, meaning they’re able to be added to a drink or other personal care item without separating into an oily layer on top.

Adding water-soluble CBD to your daily routine can enhance balance, well-being and help you sleep better. It can also be a great complement to wellness practices like yoga.

It can be dissolved into any liquid, such as tea, coffee, smoothies, juice and more. Because of this flexibility, it’s easy to take with you on the go and use at work or school. You can also add it to a personal care item, such as a face cleanser, or bake it into food, as is common with CBD edibles. The flexibility of water-soluble CBD is another way it can save you money by allowing you to use less product to achieve the same effect.